
  • This is how I currently manage my golang dependencies (vendoring)
  • I currently use the godep tool
  • This post is just to remind me of a couple of things that are not pointed out in the godep documentation


  • See the offiicial golang faq for their view on dependency management
  • See package management tool choices here
  • To understand how godep works read the readme, this content is just some extra stuff I keep having to remember

Commit dependencies

  • godep now indicates the Godeps sub directory should be commited
  • There is a .gitignore file with entries for the bin and pkg directories within the workspace directory, so only the source is commited

Relying on specific dependency versions

  • When you first take the dependencies using the “godep save” command it records the current versions of the dependencies
  • If you need to use a specific branch or version of one of the dependencies you should check that out before running the “godep save” command
  • If you have already taken the dependencies using the “godep save” command, you can always checkout a specific version of a dependency and then run “godep update” for the dependency

Updating specific dependencies

  • As indicated in the godep readme, run the “godep update” command


  • Use godep so you are in fact using the vendored versions rather then the cloned versions


  • http://blog.gopheracademy.com/advent-2014/deps/
  • http://nathany.com/go-packages/